The Mentorship

Reiki 1 + 2

This 6-week mentorship is a beautiful time to deepen your relationship with Reiki. In this one-on-one work with me, you will receive 5 attunements that put the energy of Reiki into your hands. With this energy you will be able to send Reiki healing to yourself, others in person and through distance healing, and send Reiki healing to any plant, animal, and beyond. 

In this mentorship, you will be given a workbook and journal that will be integral to your work. This mentorship includes six 1 hour weekly sessions with me where you will dive into the history of Reiki, the details and ritual of a Reiki session, and exploring what the Reiki energy feels like for you. There will be some amount of daily work and experiences for you to perform individually in between sessions. 

What is so beautiful about this work to me is that every Reiki healer has their own connection with the energy of Reiki. You may find that you love the structure of the tradition, or that your intuition guides you to perform a completely personal practice. With the energy of Reiki as a guide, I hope to hold and support your learning and give you permission to explore how this healing will best serve you and your community. 

I have been mentoring and attuning students in Seattle since the fall of 2020. I received my Reiki 1 & 2 with Josephine Edmonson in 2019 and my Reiki Master with Lisa Levine in Mexico in 2020. 

After you sign up I will send you an email to schedule your weekly session times. 6 weeks can be a long time and if we need to take breaks in between to accommodate your schedule this is perfectly okay. If you have any questions or concerns or are debating whether or not this course is for you, please contact me with any questions.  Currently, I am only mentoring in person in Seattle for fully vaccinated humans. If you live out of state and are interested please contact me and we can see what options are possible. 

This work is honestly my favorite work to teach and I hope to one day welcome you into my family of Reiki babies. 


“I loved every second of my reiki attunements with Annie. I had done multiple sessions with her as a client before getting attuned and understood how reiki made me feel (amazing, grounded, calm, clear), but didn’t know much more than that.

In my time as her student, I learned so much from my attunements with Annie. She does a masterful job of explaining the history and origins of Reiki to help preserve its roots.  Knowing how Reiki came to be, who was involved and what they intended Reiki to do in the world makes me a better healer and practitioner. 


I always felt supported to ask questions and explore how I was feeling or sensations I was experiencing throughout the sessions. Annie creates a really safe space in which she allowed me to discover what Reiki feels like to me and trust it: an integral part of this work. 

She is incredibly passionate about healing and spreading the work of Reiki to others. If you are thinking about getting your attunements, do not pass the chance of Annie being your guide.”

Evan Arbour, Reiki baby class of May 2021