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Guided Meditations

relaxing I will talk you through visualizations and take you on a journey in your mind.  These can be really helpful for people wanting to start meditation and exercises of visualization. But also can be more customized and combined with our sessions so that I can support you with exactly what you are going through . i.e. I can walk you on your favorite beach, reunite you with someone you’ve lost, or help you feel held and supported by your favorite people.  Often the experiences had in Guided Meditations can illuminate new pathways on the way to healing.


When working with journaling I like to pose questions and allow you time to just freely write. This allows you to get out of your mental state and to explore what is really on your heart. By working with different themes, ie. anxiety, loss, heartache, curiosity, uncertainty or beyond, I can create questions that can help to guide you to explore what is most important for you. I recommend coupling journaling with guided meditation. The flow of that would look like guiding you on a meditation themed on what you are experiencing or exploring at the time, followed by journaling on specific questions centered around the experience. We would then have a conversation of what came up and I would give you other prompts to journal on for the next season until we meet again. <3 I also find journaling to work really well in tandem with Tarot.

Sound Healing

Sound Healing is calming music and song that allows and invites you to release stress. I find healing through singing, chanting Sanskrit mantras, and playing the Indian instrument the harmonium. (A small sweet wooden box, like an accordion that sits on the ground). Its vibrations are transcendent and feels like a human breathing.


The Reiki energy allows us to peel back the layers that we have built up through our life experiences in order to uncover our true self. Take time to rest, restore, and explore a new pathway to the most important being in the universe, you. In person or virtually Reiki sessions feel like a Guided Meditation. If we are in person and you consent I use hands on touch to facilitate the movement of energy where my intuition guides me. Both experiences are very transformative and healing. 

Reiki is a Japanese lineage based energy healing modality. To me this energy is the feeling of true love and support. Here is my personal definition of Reiki:

To feel the energy of Reiki is to feel held in ooey gooey radiant warm light; warmer than the sun that glistens brighter than gold. This energy is insatiable, never ceasing with an endless supply of love. This energy flows in unpredictable ways, without a set path, yet with the most accurate precision, with intuition as a guide to heal exactly what needs to be healed. Like a bird migrating to warmth with the passing seasons. Reiki is unceasing love that flows without expectation, healing all beings everywhere. Reiki is an infinite overflowing, puddle of love, ready for you to jump in. 


Not sure where to start? Tarot is a great therapy for working out answering questions or allowing life to tell us what’s important. Tarot is a gentle guide to a therapeutic relationship with yourself. I use a variety of decks with a multitude of custom arrangements to help support you in getting the guidance you need. The roots of Tarot began in the 14th century, I work with some traditional decks as well as honor modern artists' interpretations of the Tarot. Daily, monthly or seasonally the Tarot is an incredible guide. By asking a simple question, the Tarot offers answers, solutions, and ideas for us to incorporate into our lives.